Tuesday 11 May 2021

Eight cards

 Yes, I came up with another cards design!

This time it's for 8 proper cards. With proper I mean that the back has a geometric pattern while the front of each card has a different design:

and here is the cards back:

Each card represents one of the eight trigram with, enclosed in the square, its name in red.

At the corners you'll find, in black, a chinese numeral (6,7,8 or 9) and, in red, the associated image (heaven, fire, wind, ...).

Should you, like me, have troubles remembering traditional chinese numerals, below them there are some black dots. Just add six to the number of dots in the corner and you'll get the numeral value.

Using these cards you can cast lines with yarrow stalks probabilites as follows:

  • Shuffle the eight cards, mix them and rotate at will.
  • Pick a card and rotate it again until you feel satisfied.
  • Flip the card and look at the upper left corner (do not change the orientation of the card, being upside down or not is part of the casting process). 
  • Use the chinese numeral (or the number of dots) to determine the line according to the following table:

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