- Represent yin lines with Cups and Pentacles (Coins) as they are round and receptive (feminine);
- Represent yang lines with Swords and Wands as they are aggressive and strong (masculine);
- Include cards in a proportion that mimics the yarrow stalks probabilities:
- 2 cards of Cups;
- 14 cards of Pentacles;
- 10 cards of Swords;
- 6 cards of Wands;
- Shuffle the 32 cards and pick a card;
- Draw a line based on the card suit:
If it's Cups, draw
- If it's Pentacles, draw
- If it's Swords, draw
- If it's Wands, draw
If it's Cups, draw
- Reinsert the card in the deck;
- Repeat steps 1-3 five more times drawing the hexagram from bottom to top
By construction, the method provides the same probabilities as the Method of 16 one.Cards images: WikiMedia Commons
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