Cards seems to be among the favourite methods for casting I Ching hexagrams so I started thinking about other ways to use them.
A big advantage of cards is that they are easily available everywhere and also that there are a variety of decks that are both beautifully designed and inspirational. I believe it's rather easy to find a couple of cards that fits nicely with your way of consulting the I Ching.
The method presented here is very easy to remember and can be adapted to many different type of cards: standard bridge cards, regional cards, tarots, etc.
It needs two cards for wich you can distinguish the orientation (up or down). In the presentation of the method I will use the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Hearts that (in the most common decks) have a clear orientation. Proceed as follows:
- Shuffle the two cards rotating them independently while shuffling (very important!)
- Turn the cards and look at the topmost one:
- If it's the Ace of Spades, draw
- If it's the Ace of Hearts, draw
- If the two cards are both oriented upward, it's a moving line;
- Repeat steps 1-3 other five times drawing the hexagram from the bottom to the top.
Counting from the image above, it's easy to see that this method has exactly the same probabilities as the three coins method:
Prob(6) = Prob(9) = 1/8 = 12.5%
Prob(8) = Prob(7) = 3/8 = 37.5%
Prob(yin) = Prob(yang) = 1/2
Prob(8) = Prob(7) = 3/8 = 37.5%
Prob(yin) = Prob(yang) = 1/2
Any cards that have a definite orientation will do. Here is an example with the classical tarot of Marseille (the Sun has been assigned to yang, the Moon to yin):Ace cards image by Byron Knoll.
Tarot cards from Rafael Ferraro site.

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